Uploading your WordPress theme isn't complicated, as long as you have the right tools. Below, we give you a step by step on how this can be accomplished. Please see below:
Picking your theme:
1. You will need to go to: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/
2. Find the theme that you want, and download it (save it to your desktop)
3. Extract the file from the .zip achieve (filename.zip)
4. Now, you're ready to upload it to WordPress
Uploading your theme:
1. You will need to connect to your hosting service using FTP
2. Once your logged in, click on "/public_html/"
3. Browse to the directory where WordPress is installed and then to the "/wp-content/" folder
4. Now, click on the "themes" folder and drag and drop your theme (which is on the desktop) into this folder
Enabling your theme:
1. Once your theme is uploaded, you will need to login to your WordPress Dashboard
2. Once in the Dashboard, you will need to enable this theme by clicking on it
3. Upon you clicking your new theme to apply it, you can go to your blog site and there should be the new theme!
Congratulations, you've downloaded, uploaded, and enabled your new theme for your WordPress blog site.
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